E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Americas: The Future is Bright

Switzerland, May 2022 – The 5th E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Americas took place in Miami from May 9 to 11, 2022. Over 100 experts, thought leaders and key decision-makers from 16 countries met in person to discuss the past, current, and future trends in electronic invoicing, procurement, and continuous transaction controls (CTCs).

Two very well attended interactive workshops kicked off the event. The first one was run by the Business Payment Coalition (BPC) discussing the next steps for an E-Invoice Exchange Framework for the U.S. and was followed by OpenPeppol exploring how the Peppol Network, international invoicing and CTCs can be flexibly and progressively applied.

The wide acceptance and embrace of the four-corner-model was evident in the numerous presentations in testament of its usefulness, its features, and its success. Interesting case studies gave insights into the current experiments and future trends of automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Further subjects of debate included the harmonization of different initiatives towards a truly global interoperability framework, which was also the topic of a high-level expert panel. The mutual agreement of all participants was that the future is bright for this space and calls for international collaboration.

Once again, the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit has been a great space where the E-Invoicing and E-Reporting community exchanged ideas and benefitted from great networking opportunities. Numerous excellent discussions and face-to-face talks took place with customers, partners, and policy drivers on the convergence of the different E-Invoicing and E-Reporting models and how all can help reduce complexity and manage the transition to E-Invoicing and Continuous Transaction Controls.

The global E-Invoicing journey continues in Berlin June 20-21, Lisbon September 26-28, and in Singapore and Dubai (dates to be announced). The next edition of the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Americas will take place in Miami from April 24 to 26, 2023.

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Veranstaltungstipp! Wir laden Sie ein zum kostenlosen Event: KI im Fokus

In eigener Sache: Die Welt der künstlichen Intelligenz entwickelt sich rasant. Um stets auf dem Laufenden zu halten, führen wir (ich) einen monatlichen Online-Impuls im und beim Digitalzentrum Zukunftskultur durch. Immer am letzten Donnerstag im Monat präsentieren wir in der kostenlosen Veranstaltung „KI im Fokus: Up to date in 30 Minuten“ interessante Entwicklungen und Neuigkeiten aus dem Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz des letzten Monats und das kurz und knapp in einer halben Stunde.

Der nächste Termin von KI im Fokus ist am 27. November 2024 von 12 Uhr bis 12:30 Uhr. Melden Sie noch heute an. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos:
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