E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Americas: E-Invoicing in the Digital Age

One, and possibly the only positive aspect of the COVID 19- pandemic is, that it highlights the critical need for digitization. It shows that digital transformation is no longer an option, it is an imperative. The growing volumes of electronic invoices are rapidly changing and challenging the market and require that businesses and organizations take proactive actions toward digitization.

The E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Americas is the only forum dedicated to E-Invoicing in the Americas. The conference will be held in Miami from May 9 to 11, 2022. During the conference, a great variety of presentations, user case studies, roundtables and panel discussions will address the key challenges of the industry when it comes to driving the digital transformation.

Key Topics to be covered
+ E-Invoicing as Leverage for a Digital Strategy: Global Best Practices
+ An E-Invoice Exchange Framework for the U.S. – Moving from Concept to Pilot: Update from the Business Payments Coalition
+ E-Invoicing and Continuous Transaction Controls in the Digital Age
+ Global Developments in Peppol
+ The New Frontier: E-Invoicing in Transnational Operations
+ Global Interoperability Framework – Collaboration in the Connected World
+ Effective AP Automation with RPA and AI: How and When

On Monday, May 9, all participants are invited to join two workshops: First, the E-Invoice Exchange Market Pilot Work Group of the Business Payments Coalition will discuss the next steps for an E-Invoice Exchange Framework for the United States and second, the OpenPeppol Workshop will focus on the implementation of Peppol in the Americas. The conference itself will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 10 and 11, 2022.

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Veranstaltungstipp! Wir laden Sie ein zum kostenlosen Event: KI im Fokus

In eigener Sache: Die Welt der künstlichen Intelligenz entwickelt sich rasant. Um stets auf dem Laufenden zu halten, führen wir (ich) einen monatlichen Online-Impuls im und beim Digitalzentrum Zukunftskultur durch. Immer am letzten Donnerstag im Monat präsentieren wir in der kostenlosen Veranstaltung „KI im Fokus: Up to date in 30 Minuten“ interessante Entwicklungen und Neuigkeiten aus dem Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz des letzten Monats und das kurz und knapp in einer halben Stunde.

Der nächste Termin von KI im Fokus ist am 26. September 2024 von 12 Uhr bis 12:30 Uhr. Melden Sie noch heute an. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos:
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