PubEngine erhält COUNTER Zertifizierung

27. April 2016 – Die PubEngine hat das COUNTER Audit mit Bravour absolviert und ist die einzige COUNTER zertifizierte ePublishing Lösung aus Deutschland

Die PubEngine, die ePublishing Lösung für eJournals und eBooks, hat das COUNTER Audit mit Bravour bestanden. Die PubEngine ist damit die einzige Publishing Lösung aus Deutschland mit COUNTER Zertifikat.

COUNTER ist die internationale Initiative für Bibliotheken und Verlage, um standardisierte Nutzungsdaten bereitzustellen. Nur COUNTER compliant garantiert die fehlerfreie Übermittlung und Weiterverarbeitung von Nutzungsdaten – eine wichtige Voraussetzung im B2B Geschäft zwischen Bibliotheken, Institutionen und Verlagen.


COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources) is an international initiative serving librarians, publishers and intermediaries by setting standards that facilitate the recording and reporting of online usage statistics in a consistent, credible and compatible way. The first COUNTER Code of Practice, covering online journals and databases, was published in 2003. COUNTER.s coverage was extended further with the launch of the Code of Practice for online books and reference works in 2006. The body of COUNTER compliant usage statistics has steadily grown as more and more vendors have adopted the COUNTER Codes of Practice. This has contributed to the new discipline of usage bibliometrics and a great deal of work is underway to try to establish .value metrics. associated with usage, in which the COUNTER compliant statistics play an increasingly important role..

COUNTER does more than just set the standards for usage reports; we are co-operating with a number of organizations to develop a range of usage-related research and services. In 2006 COUNTER carried out research, sponsored by JISC (the UK Joint Information Systems Committee) on the effects of publisher platforms on usage and we are currently collaborating with the UK Serials Group on the possible development of a new Journal Usage Factor metric. Summary reports on both these projects can be found on the COUNTER website at COUNTER has also worked with NISO on SUSHI (Standardised Usage Harvesting Initiative) to develop a protocol to facilitate the automated harvesting and consolidation of usage statistics from different vendors. This protocol may be found on the NISO website at

COUNTER brings the following benefits to librarians, publishers and intermediaries:

Librarians are able to compare usage statistics from different vendors; derive useful metrics such as cost-per-use; make better-informed purchasing decisions; plan infrastructure more effectively.

Publishers and intermediaries are able to: provide data to customers in a format they want; compare the relative usage of different delivery channels; aggregate data for customers using multiple delivery channels; learn more about genuine usage patterns.

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